A couple of months ago, I set a deadline to finish compiling a database that will then be used to generate a book series. The deadline was December 31. I'm not going to make it, but I'm probably not going to miss it by much.
I farmed it out.
If I had to do all that data entry work, it would have been more time. Time that I could spend writing books, creating websites, and earning college money for these children that continue to want to go to college.
So I farmed it out. I have a person that I work with on various projects (like my latest online high school project). He has folks who work for him for a reasonable hourly wage.
Should you outsource some of your work? My feeling, increasingly, is that it makes much sense. You do the work that requires your skill and expertise and let someone else do the rest. Yes, I could do the data entry into the database. Easily. The challenge is time and not ability.
I find that outsourcing works well for me. I needed that database developed. It cost me $60 on eLance. I needed some logos made. Same deal. Could I learn to do both of those things well enough for my purposes? Sure, but then I am not working on the core assignments that make all of this work.
And that is the name of the game.