What you want to happen when someone does a Google search on your name happened today for the first time for me. All ten of the first entries, the entire first page, of Google results on "Thomas Nixon" resolved to me. Yes, I really am the most popular Thomas Nixon on the Internet. Not that that is saying much.
Part of my problem with getting that to happen is that I have been dealing with the ghost of Thomas Nixon Carver. While you do not need to know what he does, suffice to say, that in certain circles, he is quite well-known. Or was, at any rate. He wrote. A lot.
How did I make this happen? Part was luck and part was me. I have been writing articles for the various article directories. These days, I focus almost totally on EzineArticles.com. These articles have helped a great deal. If you choose one of the larger ones, like EzineArticles (Alexa ranking = 467), Google values that contribution.
The other things that have helped is having the power behind certain sites that have my writings, see Adulted.Aboutcom, my own sites, or Amazon.com. Because the Alexa rankings on About and Amazon are so high, Google treats them better.
How do you use this to your advantage? I have the opportunity to write an article for a site that has an Alexa ranking of 14,000 or one that has an Alexa ranking of 1,400,000. Surprisingly (or not), I choose the first one.
One thing to bear in mind is that the two semi-fictional sites above may not result in more book sales. That 1,400,000 could be solidly in your niche and the other one only tangentially related. Given my thoughts and insanity, I would probably write both.